Ms.Toya2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Daddy's Girl



Views: 386

There will never be a day that passes that I won't think of you. From the beginning I always knew that if no one else loved me you did. We bumped heads way more than I'm proud of but our love was still there. Along the way I knew you were always right about every guy I introduced you to, but I never wanted to admit it. Just rolled my eyes and pulled away. Your stubbornness , temper, pride, strong will were definitely passed onto me. Sometimes a good thing, other times a horrible thing. Our last real argument , well disagreement really messed me up. I really wish it never happened but what's done is done. Can't erase our mistakes. But if I could I would never had allowed it to be that way. I would let you be right, choose your side, and run back to my daddy. A year and a half you called and sounded so weak but I could hear and feel your love. I wanted to run to you and hold onto you, but time doesn't wait for anyone. The day that you departed I could feel you in my spirit. As I prepared to come home to say my farewells I could just hear your voice and see your face assuring me that no matter what happened your love for me never left. Throughout this year since you've left, I've tried to find peace and even forgiveness for what I've done and what I've held onto. It's been very difficult and I've found some but I'm still working on it. You will forever be missed, loved, and in my heart. Forever will I be Daddy's Girl❤️ Love you Forever to the sky - Your Little Lady 

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Corey says:

Hi Ms.Toya2, Its heart stirring when I read a poem that I find soul relatable. I lost my Dad almost 2 yrs ago and I miss him very much and I'm always keeping my strong will inherited from him in check. I truly enjoyed this wonderful tribute to your Dad! Nicely done, thanks for sharing!

love_supreme says:

Very nice

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