HymnAgen | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Pen wouldn't move til now Current eventz got me feelin some kinda way

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Her Brownness


just different

Views: 536

I love the way

her brownness stands –

for the attention

of my mouth and hands –

like lone tree stumps

on baron lands.

From chocolate brown

to the tan of sand

her brownness resounds with

beauty to me.

Mocha cutie

to coffee bean hottie,

I still marvel at

the awesomeness of her body

encouraging me to fumble

until she mumbles

the ungodly-est of phrases.

She simply amazes.

By her brownness

am I humbled.

For these give sustenance

to the nascent

who find comfort

in their placement –

bolstering infant crowns

while giving suck

to one ‘til sated

by the nurturing

of her physical nature.

Man can never do this.

Such a spirit is deeply rooted

in the being of Goddess

not God!

These mad scientists

cannot undo this!

But they will try

because their hubris

knows no bounds.

I will always place faith

within her brown.

This brown

that fed the nations.

That even fed

the pink mutations

who cavorted intimately

with neanderthalensis derivations

of our genus,

but I digress.

Nectar of gods comes from your flesh;

from the brown fountains of life

sprouting from your beautiful breasts.

That you permit me to delight in them,

my lips and tongue express

my great appreciation

and my deep indebtedness.

For you are Goddess.

You are Mother.

You are life.


- HymnAgen


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mrmelody7 says:

Very colorful vivid write Cyrano D quite the Smooth Operator r U

DallasCowgirl says:

Oh my... Dope wordplay, bro. Very captivating piece!

Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Me, smooth? Nah, just appreciative of my sistas who nurture us physically and emotionally. Thanks always mrmelody7

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Thanks, Sis. Trying to reach your status;oD

love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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