Fm110comphodent | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 214

Ever A mention of becoming a plant’s food,

Here on earth the exact dude,

Acquiring wealth dogs’ skin would hide,

Eating through the feast only to survive,

Addressing each template with a design,

Figuring each opponent a cancer to cry,

I miss U as the Dawn turn to Dust,

Nearing into the future of how it could be us,

My mistake, though rough, in deed,

At last we have a crime we need,

Now its much of practicing law,

Penetration enforce the sounds I cough,

Some side with angels others go to soon

Life is a Ho of demonstration for those that loom,

Groove me, Tonight we’ll fade into the moon,

Drunk, skunked, and glowing with cool,

Temperature facing rain drops,

A charge I’ll take in flip flops,

Body by body in liplock,

It would be me and U together,

In this crazy bezel escaping the weather of heat.

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