tretre | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
"Don't just think it, Ink It!!!!"

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Your Black Women:



Views: 359

I'm truly disgusted at how some of my brothas act today,  
it saddens my heart in every way.
What happend brothas? to make you turn your back on your women?,
treating them like everyone else do, not even defending them.
No unity....
No strenght....
I have to hang my head down in shame, how can you brothas not see
that dividing the black man and women has become a game. 
Sometimes I hear brothas, talk about the negative things of black women,
But let me ask you brothas, instead of talking mess  why not encourage her not to do it?
How can there be so much dislike between us brothas and sistas, Our ancestors once stood side by side,as  brothas and sistas, both stood with pride, now look at us.... torn apart, the dislike brothas and sistas have for each other is impossible to hide.
I rarely hear any of you brothas out there encourage your black women to do better,  yet you entertain what you dislike about this sista.
Brothas women do better with encouragement, try to encourage her to do better, granted there are women who will be who they are no matter, trust me I think encouragement is the answer.
I have not giving up on my brothas don't never plan to, but brothas you all once stood for your sistas, kids, community, elderly, please stand strong for those of you who do encourage your sistas, there are a lot of them out there who needs it.

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