KonsciousKing | Poetry Vibe
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Tales Of A Fairy



Views: 414

She is colorful... Tangible... But potent. Her energy is intoxicating. She rises in the morning .. and as soon as the fresh air hits her face, her flame ignites and off she goes into the world, lighting up each day of each person that she encounters.... She has the type of ease, that makes miserable people uncomfortable 
When someone ruffles her feathers,, it's never because she started some , moreless suffering people project their inner problems onto her... It takes a few moments, as the wheels spin in her head and then.... She realizes that she don't have to accept that load of emotion....... because it truly wasn't personal. I admire how she becomes extremely humble when a situation has went too far... In my presence she is naked.... However she can not be intimidated. But on the other hand, she is prideful when confronted from a distance or from a stranger.... I follow the curve of her bow legs, as she walks gracefully. Stance confident. Face displaying every expression as she imagines it in her head. Laughing for any and every reason.. Silly, but sensitive to the touch. I love to watch her unravel in my presence...as she lays under the fluffy brown blanket.. Warm... Unafraid... Craving for my aggression to combat her sexual tension... And when I get carried away she don't say a word, then I realize on my own. And I soften my touch, Become gentle in her center, and she coos for me, as we transition from "hunger" to "passion"...
She moans , in waves.... Watching her, is literally like watching a real life fairy.... Holding her... I feel a woman that has not given up on life, given up on god, and has or given herself in vein..... 

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Tali says:

Wow, this is a wonderful piece.

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Woven says:

She leaves an impression where ever she goes just by being herself. There is such strength in tenderness, this is such a beautiful, expressive write!

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Shortiiie_q says:

This very nice and talented

LyricalMorphine says:

hmmm compelled at first it seems your a mere mortal to that of God... then upon the ending I'm left to think she is in us a woman and man you are appreciative of the creation....so indeed great write

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2b2b2 says:

BEAUTIFUL CAPTURE....this touches deep, well played....thanks for sharing....ONE

RonnieL says:

Beautiful thoughts my brother...well scripted!

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