Woven | Poetry Vibe
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Paisley Pause


just different

Views: 557

So stunned, I became blank
On the outside anyway
On the inside my blood turned to tears
and I am still crying on the inside today

I'm writing this the day after I heard that Prince died
It was my daughter who gently told me
I was pregnant with her when I saw Purple Rain
but I became a Prince fan long before that movie

In 1978 I heard Soft and Wet on the radio and asked, what did he just say?
Not giving the side eye, I felt there was a third eye to it, something creatively free
It was sultry falsetto, electrified, unapologetic, on the edge
He was off the beaten path musically, and the trip was alright with me

Rock, R&B, Funk, Pop, Jazz, whatever, just mix it up, spice it up
By the time I Wanna Be Your Lover came out I was hooked
Played all sorts of instruments, and he was self taught
He served a creative gumbo, and I loved it every time he cooked

He was just as handsome as he was talented
Before he even opened his mouth to sing, he'd make women swoon
His smile, so alluring it could take your heart on a flight of fancy
And that ageless, knowing look could send you far, far over the moon

Prince was a heptagon peg that didn't even try to fit into a round hole
A psychedelic kaleidoscope that made every color pop
He sang 'life is just a party, and parties weren't meant to last'
Now the news is saying that his effervescent life has come to a stop

And it just doesn't seem right, or true
I realize his music and his spirit will live on, just because...
...well, he'll always be Prince...and there's solace in that
But I'm still sort of in shock over this, still lingering in paisley pause...

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

I love the language...so visual. Wonderful tribute and the title iced the cake

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Woven says:

I am humbled by your comment hymnagen, thank you very much!

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Poetunleashed says:

You write amazingly well I enjoy reading your work beautiful piece

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Woven says:

That is quite a compliment, especially coming from a talented writer such as yourself. Thanks a million!

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Contest Winner  

Corey says:

This Princely peace is not only an amazing tribute to Prince, but it caused a tidal wave of beautiful Prince memories. Soft and wet, I ran to the store after school to pick up The Right On magazine, because Prince was on the front cover and the centerfold. They both went up on my bedroom wall! :) You sure know how to work with words...love it! Thanks for sharing your Prince memories with us!

Woven says:

Corey have I mentioned that your responses read like poetry? Wow, you have taken me down memory lane, I recall reading Right On magazine, and I had a Prince picture on my bedroom wall taken from the centerfold as well! :) I remain humbled, and I thank you for such generous words.

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