TwistedBeauty | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
i havent posted in a while but im still around

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i broke my heart



Views: 329

i broke my heart and you let me 

you should've stopped me from making a fool of myself 

i tried to let go and leave things where they were


you just encouraged me to take a chance despite the many times we tried before 

you said we'll make it 

you're right 

we made the same mistake once again 

as i try to figure out my next step you'll continue on with your life as if none of this has every happened 

you say i can stay as long as i need to and you already know that will not work 

we cant stand one another when we are not dating 

i believe this is part of your play 

payback for leaving 

crazy thing is im leaving again and you wont be able to contact me

i hope this was worth it  


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alekia abeni says:

Deeply felt. Beautifully written. Keep writing...... please

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SMusinga says:

That is BEAUTIFUL! have u really felt that way before?

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