The lamp could not begin to stand without the table,
Although in a sense it could. With the pad like feet beneath.
The table brings forth a sense of comfort, a sense of enlightenment.
An heightened ability for the lamp to spread it's light farther.
For this it cherishes the table. Draping it's cord along it's edge in comfort.
Highlighting the overlooked sensibility of every grain that went into
making the table look as stunningly beautiful just as the lamp sees it.
When the lamp pulls it's cord, it doesn't see a table.
It sees a Pillar of strength, one that stands tall.
Ascending towards the heavens.
In the areas where it is seen as otherwise weak. It stands strong,
Without sense of abandonment.
And it is this Devine faith in one another.
That keeps them together.
The lampshade, forever shining it's light upon the surface of the table.