neiqhh121 | Poetry Vibe
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Wassup My Poetry Lovers , Time For Some New Poetry From Ya Girl

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Views: 317

Baby , do you know who you are ? do you know your worth ? identify your values and understand they are more than what the world calls you. your name is QUEEN , not "girl" or "sexy".  Your eyes shine in the night as diamonds shine in the rough. You are beautiful from the way your nose is shaped, to the way you smile. Slay the unbelievers with your style , as well as your inner beauty. Prove the ones who say you can't by showing them you CAN. Defeat the impossible. Attract someone who respects you for who YOU , not what you can physically give them . Your beauty stretches so far , even beyond the skies around the nation . You are more beautiful than pearls.. baby you ARE the pearls. eliminate the negativity that floats through your brain daily , and replace it with the love and positive thoughts that shall come to you. don't settle because by settling , you allow anything to come your way. and a WOMAN , a strong Beautiful woman will not allow anything less for her because of her character. ... 

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Jkool86 says:

Well check you out. I'm liking this piece.. **snaps**. Gender Empowerment piece. Ones hidden surveillance camera is ones individual stamina. Inner self over outer wealth.. Image..

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