HymnAgen | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner 1
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Pen wouldn't move til now Current eventz got me feelin some kinda way

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How Did I Get Here?


just different

Views: 513

How did I get here?
Why can’t I leave?
Why is this suite
one hundred degrees?
Whose idea was it
to share burning trees 
with this woman
whose gaze swipes
the straight from my knees?
Why am I stuck 
in this chair?
Why does the coconut 
scent of her hair
linger in my nose
like whispers 
of my romantic prose 
she recites and
pours into my ears?
Who let her soft
finger tips
hush my lips?
Where did this 
armrest strangle-hold grip
come from?
Why are my toes 
curled up, cramped
and numb in my shoes?
Why am I squirming 
in synch when she moves?
Why are my eyes
peering up at my brain?
Why does my forehead 
bear one throbbing vein?
How did we both 
end up sweaty and drained?
Since when did 
“D@mn, Baby” 
become my name?
How on Earth
did I get here?

- HymnAgen

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Woven says:

Sometimes there only answer is "because", and that's ok. I loved the "in the moment" feel of this piece. Truly enjoyed your wonderful expression.
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

"In the moment" is what it's all about. Being so caught up in the "now" you question if it's really real. Those are some of the best experiences. Glad you enjoyed!
Contest Winner  

Corey says:

This read like an intense scene in a book/movie and left me longing to know the answers...everything in between the lines. I absolutely enjoyed this poetic cliffhanger!

Poetunleashed says:

Amazing flow i like
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

Thank you, Corey. So glad you enjoyed it!

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hymnagen says:

I appreciate those words, Poetunleashed. Thanks!

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