Just_Me_Kelee | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 8300
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lightness in the dark
Ramblings of a slight maniac, heart of a hopeless romantic. Visions of a possible prophet, sometimes i feel that ive lost it

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Never Enough



Views: 397

It wasnt enough that I liked you ...  You had to make me love you too.

It wasnt enough that I let you in... youn had to unpack and make yourself comfortable.

It wasnt enough that I open the fountan and let quench your thirst... you had to back stroke in the waters of my love and bask in the warmth of the sun.   

It wasnt enough that I envited you into the hills and valleys of my body ... You had to wander untill lost through the forrest and gardens of my loins.

You couldnt accept when I loved you, You needed me to fall in love with you too.

I couldnt accept that you liked me...  I needed you to show me exactly how much.

It wasnt enough that you wanted me... I needed you to prove that you wanted me in the worst way.

It wasnt enough that you loved me, I needed to know how deeply...

And that may have been just what got me ... the depth ... your depth ... The coolness of our depths ... I am submerged, and it will never be enough.                                                                                                              




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