BlkLyryc86 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 13300
contest winner 1
lightness in the dark
My mind is going in an entirely different direction..

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Views: 316

I can feel your eyes from across the room

Gazing…thinking…calling for me to notice you

Soft breaths…

That is all I hear as your finger runs down the center of my back

Dividing me into halves 

Separating me…

Like a river I continue to flow

As I feel the water rush over me…filling my lungs

Tears falling…disappearing 

As my cries becomes nothing but mumbles between our lips.

I have waited…for so long

To have this one moment

To walk with you

To share the same space with you

For you to see me.

Examining me…memorizing me

Noting every imperfection

Loving me as if i were leaving

I am bound to you

Flesh to flesh

Soul to soul

My heart continues to beat because it is you who causes it to beat

And as it races to the finish line, I continue on towards Cloud 9

Never looking back…

You called me and I refused to move

Not because I did not want too, but because my body just could not remember how to

You touched my flesh and it began to melt.

You watched me as I began to spread across your feet…legs…and chest.

But when you tasted me

I suddenly became whole

I found myself in your arms

Staring into your eyes

Like the stars I found peace

Understanding was placing kisses upon my body…

You spoke life back into me

Gave me reasons as to why love was so important 

I can never let go

I will never let go

I will always be yours…and you will forever be mine.

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Contest Winner  

Corey says:

Wow, I absolutely loved reading this in its entirety, but the last 5 lines were my favorite! Wonderful piece! Great job!

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