Lyrrix | Poetry Vibe
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Mirror Mirror



Views: 239


I gaze into the looking glass day in and day out

Applying a camouflage that would faintly shout

An image carefully painted for the onlookers to see

The fabricated “me” with an approval guarantee



I stare into the looking glass

To precisely align and adjust my mask

I peek to make sure that I’m not exposing

My heart, my soul and that my slip isn’t showing



Decades pass

Certainties clash

Visions distorted

Realities aborted



My facade so convincing

I bamboozled myself

Milk cartons show me missing

With an image of someone else


What is it I see that I don’t like

What is it I like that I don’t see

What obscures my vision so that I cannot view

The persona of me that is genuine and true



Time lapses

Truth collapses

Fake alliances

Hidden biases



This concealment was meant to protect and gain acceptance

But the cost of admittance came with a penance

No one’s opinion matters greater than your own

False approvals by the world leaves you blind and all alone


Confidence restored

Image transformed

Identity approved

Mask removed


As I glance in the mirror I see something has changed

The camouflage has vanished it no longer remains

The reflection now clear that I once could not see

The good, bad, and ugly now starring back at me


Mirror, mirror you see right through me

Reflecting "what is" for the universe to see

Mirror, mirror now proudly reveals

The echo of beauty in that which is real


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