poetunleashed | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 398

I can't say I feel no pain

I can't say I feel no pain


I would be lying in this moment

Lying and fooling myself

If I were to say I feel no pain

Whenever those moments arise

And I'll feel like this world

Is here only to despise

My efforts and reject every

Effort I give to gain something

Better for myself


I can't say I feel no pain

I can't say I feel no pain


When my mind feels flooded

By feelings of inferiority

Whenever I receive

These word

We regret to inform you

That your efforts

Bare no fruit

And you are faced with

The realization that you

Will go hungry because your fields

Bare no fruits

Because your efforts have been

Deemed insignificant enough

Not to yield success


I can't say I feel no pain

I can't say I feel no pain


Black skies and circling vultures

That promise to feed on the caucus

Of your failed efforts

When the world refuses to recognize them

I feel their rotten gazes

As they look into my soul

Which crawls into the fetal position

Wishing to be back to simpler times

When I didn't have to give any effort

And I would benefit from the efforts

Of my mother


I can't say I feel no pain

I can't say I feel no pain


That the rejection letters

Which pile up

On coffee tables

Promising to break the table

Because they weigh so much

Their weight is felt by my shoulders

As I hunch over promising myself

I will not break

I feel the pain from rejection

As I simply ask for the world

To recognize my efforts

And give me a chance to reap

The fruits from my labour


I can't say I feel no pain

I can't say I feel no pain 


Because I would be denying

The powerful effect that rejection has

It forces me to look inward

A chance for introspection

And self-motivation

The power to tell myself

That I will continue

Till they recognize my efforts

And I reap the fruits of my labour

Till then I'll take their rejection

And simply use it to fuel

My journey and never give up

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RonnieL says:

One word...Brilliant!

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poetunleashed says:

RonnieL much appreciated
Contest Winner  

Corey says:

Hello Poetunleashed, I absolutely love this piece! It's soul moving and encouraging! Fantastic job!!

poetunleashed says:

Corey thank you very much for that motivating comment

Woven says:

My goodness, I could feel the continuous effort, and then the weight of the disappointment. And then, reading the ending, I felt so lifted, saying that the disappointment fueled you to keep on keeping on. Tactile words, masterfully posed.

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Poetunleashed says:

Woven thank you for your kind words we keep on keeping on

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