RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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Elevation comes from within!

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First Joy


first love

Views: 555

Sheer perfection I witnessed the second she first arrived

Her first breath she took overwhelming me, giving me such bliss

As I leaned down to give her a kiss

Holding purity in my arms, as I reflect how I have created life

One sperm

One egg

One physical act of love, defining my being with the creator above

How can a man such as I

Create such beauty

Create such joy

Create such love that I will always hold dear

You don't baby girl possess me with her shining presence as everything stands still

Giving me reason to love, and protect, and hold my love near

My girl

Sweet baby girl keeps my heart locked in loves infinity times two

For one look in her sweet brown eyes and I knew

At this second, it would never be the same

I would be labeled as Father, as protector of my seed

I hold life in my arms

It's me and my beautiful baby girl

And that's all I will ever need

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reddrenee__ says:

B e a u t I f u l

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The Immortal Wize says:

Yes, Very beautiful.

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RonnieL says:

@reddrenee thank you sharing with me @Wize Dom your comments are always appreciated by me. Thank you

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