RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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Elevation comes from within!

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How Deep I Can Get



Views: 691

I want to dip in your creative waters to find how deep your mental and physical nature can get

Gently stroking your solar presence leaving foot prints on your heart, that will stand the test of time

As erotic moves we make shakes the earth's core. As I want you more and more, I succumb to the house of Capricorn were you reside

For I stand before you prideful, Leo man I represent

But...not to proud to walk with side by side, not to lead or follow

But walk as one, as the sun acknowledge the rays of love that can't be denied, as I drink in your beauty that scorches my heart to the touch

My love for you is sweet to the touch, just trying to see how deep in you I can get

Yeah...trying to see how deep in you I can get

Trying to see how deep in you I can get...

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Contest Winner  

Corey says:

Good Morning RonnieL, Beautiful piece!

RonnieL says:

Thank you Big Corey for the kind words. Much appreciated

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Well Played...thanks for sharing....SNAPS....ONE

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RonnieL says:

@2b2b2 thank you sir! Honored by your reply!

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Woven says:

To have found someone who holds such allure...beautiful write.

RonnieL says:

@Woven...thx woven all love!

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Contest Winner  

Phenomenal Paris says:


RonnieL says:

@Phenomenal Paris...thanks for the comment. Much appreciated.

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LP45 says:

Great write RonnieL. Thank you for sharing. Dig the flow.

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Inkthatspeaks says:

Oh yes....this is fire! Keep letting your ink speak.

RonnieL says:

@Inkthatspeaks....thank you for feelin my art. Humbled.

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