Woven | Poetry Vibe
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Made a Mistake



Views: 626

Made a mistake
We're human, we all do
Feelings hurt pride too
Abruptly told her, "We're through"

Already tried to replace her, but there is no other
Tried to forget about her, but she even appears in dreams
tried to stitch your life together without her
but it's coming apart at the seams

Made a mistake
And now you realize you love her
Want to be her confidant, her partner,
her sweetheart, her lover

And now...what? It's simple...
If you are truly that man
that she fell in love with to begin with
Then be THAT man, in every which way you can

Apologize, admit where you went wrong
tell her that she is the notes, the lyrics
the melody, the entire concept of your favorite love song
Then sing it to her in your actions and deeds

She will then be THAT woman you adore
The one that blossomed love so deeply it was scary
The one that made you take flight and soar
Together you will clasp hands and continue on life's journey

Ok... maybe it's not that simple
But if you do nothing, nothing will happen
THAT part, is pretty simple
Hard part is where to begin...

Just start with the first two lines of this piece:
Made a mistake
We're human, we all do...
Tell her you love her, and never really stopped
I'll bet she admits she still loves you too
And since she sorrowfully assumed she had forever lost you
Being woefully wrong in that assumption, she happily admits that she...
Made a mistake...

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RonnieL says:

Very descriptive art. I might be wrong, but this joint felt like words of reflection. Nice.

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Corey says:

Love's current can sometimes deviate and you've penned beautifully how something, anything has to be done to get it back on track. I enjoyed the dual perspective of this piece. Awesome write!
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hymnagen says:

I love how you looped it back in the end. It takes 2 choices to start it, 2 choices to stop it, 2 choices to resume no matter who is initially at fault. This piece got deeper on my 2nd read. #Salute2YourPen

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Woven says:

Reflective in a sense Ronnie, a recent conversation had my mind wondering what if? Thank you for your response.

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Woven says:

Yes Corrie, love's current can deviate and we can at least attempt to set things straight. I appreciate your lovely comments, thank you much!

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Woven says:

When it comes down to it, it does take 2 to make those choices hymnagen. I so appreciate your in depth response, and am humbled especially coming from such a talent as yourself.

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lovelylady1 says:

regrets speaking from the heart.... I feel ya my king

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