RonnieL | Poetry Vibe
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Elevation comes from within!

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My Y Factor



Views: 626

My Y factor....that's the reason of this subject matter, speaking of this Y chromosome. This seed I pollinated that sleeps deep in his mother's womb. I'm speaking of my unborn baby boy

My heart fills with joy as I wait for him to arrive, these feelings I can't keep inside, for my unborn son I'm ready to provide

I had to tell this to someone....

I had to read this to someone....

My love for him can't be denied as I'll look into his loving eyes, gazing at God's perfection. Taking me in directions of love's eternal boundaries, space and time

Proud to say that he is mine, as I embrace his presence that only God could have created. Elated of the fact that he was created with love

For I... raise him up to the heavens above, as he is flesh of my flesh


My Y Factor has come at the perfect time, this poetic rhyme illustrating a Father's love for his son. Leaving nothing undone for he and I are one, as I gave him the gift of life

These feelings for him cuts deeper than any knife, expressing my love for him be told

My son...I will mold giving him guidance and goals to achieve. He'll receive the wisdom that was bestowed on to me, as I'll raise him to be a man

Giving all that I can, as I take his hand, showing him God's master plan on how things should be

For a shining star in all it's glory, he'll tell this poetic story to his children of my legacy when I'm long gone

My Y Factor will live on

My seed...

My son...

My Y Factor

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Contest Winner  

Corey says:

First, let me congratulate you and his mother! This lovely piece clearly express your sincere plans to carry on what your father instilled in you, with your son. Another beautiful tribute!!! Thanks for sharing your joy!
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

This piece of yours bears a special significance for me. Congrats 2 U, and Cherish every moment. Thanks for this

Woven says:

A new life is on the way, how exciting! This piece showcases the excitement and pride you have, speaking of how you will nurture and mold your precious son. Congratulations to you, and to his mother!

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RonnieL says:

Thank you my fellow poets for the kind words. Must be honest...this is an older piece I created. I was thinking about my son who will be sixteen next month. Reflecting how he is growing into a man day by day. Therefore, I dropped this. Thx to all once again!

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love_supreme says:

Very nice. This is an excellent write.

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RonnieL says:

@latin_lover....thanks for the read much appreciated.

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

What blessings there are ...within the stream of consciousness, which is life... to fulfill the dream ... in continuing the line, further...loading the life skills into the next ascending wave of humanity... a part which you are returning with

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