Fm110comphodent | Poetry Vibe
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Chateau Royale



Views: 182

Appalling the romantic languages of Def,

Perishing le flame of people’s wealth,

Untamed by the marsh of Gestapo shoes,

Unbelief in the idea of makeup and hues,

Chants that turn into cries as the hell surrenders,

Alive in the cave upon the mindbenders,

Sorcerers enthuse the crowd all is well,

Gigantic illustrations of angels that fell,

Squandering the boats in the tide of the storm,

Ignoring the danger to preserve life form,

A statue invested to rid of the demon,

Wrecked by answers of different semen,

Finally le mote opens to the horse,

She know we all farmers in the plan to abort,

Airports, terminals, barns, and chains,

Cement of my mind gone again.

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love_supreme says:

D*mn, this poem is wicked. Excellent write.

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