WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Dear Zoe


Views: 344

16 months have passed,
seems like you just had your first bath,
Time is moving too fast,
I hope you've had a blast,
But you probably won't remember,
So I record these silly videos that I suppose,
I'll show you in about six Decembers,
Whenever you smile at me, my eyes leak and my heart melts,
Like that bag of Hershey Kisses at Christmas,
By the flood lights, that I left on the top shelf,
Seeing the future through your eyes,
Is the greatest gift to me,
Earthly immortality, 
You'll bring pieces of me and your mother into the next century,
Blessed with limitless gifts, brains, beauty, and boldness,
I'm working on a plan to make you the oldest,
Of two siblings, had no idea of the gifts you'd bring,
Can't wait until the world hears you sing, 
Like a Yo-yo, you have me and them on the end of a string.


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xclusive says:

Nice write. keep it up

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