WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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God MC?


just different

Views: 396

I'm a spirit, haunting these jokers like a ghost,
It hard for me to bust without boasts,
My rhymes so dope,
Feens scheme to listen to everything I ever spoke,
Reciting my lyrics like its some "ish" they wrote,
Something like an oath,
And I'm Tyler with a legion of fight club blokes,
So charismatic, got these Jokers making me soap!
Lines so addictive I'm in the streets like some coke,
Not what you think, the ubiquitous carbonated drink,
You'll buy a few two liters and not even think,
The spice is the worm, the worm is the spice,                                                                                      

Since I was a tike, I melted microphones manufactured by Fisher Price,
In my adolesence, I was twice as nice,                                                                                          

When I was younger I had the Motts,                                                                                          

Now I'm older, I need more than apple sauce,                                                                                     

Its like my plane crashed years ago on an island like Lost,                                                    

Dharma initiative stuck in a cave, just a slave to a rhyme clock.                                                    

I'm so dope, I'm fiction - not even sure if I exist!

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