Hii Yella | Poetry Vibe
Hii Yella
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L.O.V.E. of My Life


first love

Views: 363
Before we were even friends i seen u around. Ur voice was like butter, smooth, but had the soulfullest sound. I was just little younger but u let me kick it. I watched from afar, crushin,wantin more than for u to just let me hit it. I had visions, to be more than a one time thing. We was thuggin round the same time, rocked big chains and rings. But she was smart, and to be honest it kinda caught me off guard. She had rhythm like no other, and kept her head to the stars. She was a free thinker, dont get twisted she a hustlin sista. Trynna pimp the white man, but she aint *** with the system. She hipped me, and put me on game, and that grew my attraction. Love is a two way street tho, so i wish that WE had it....... We lost touch cuz i moved to california, and she stuck to the south. I had chucks with the ies, she had gold in her mouth. I found it sexy she was hood, yet rather intellectual. Never compromised her morals, cant lie tho, she got sexual. But it didnt bother me, i loved HER, and not her past. But the more time that had past, the more times she was passed. And after a while i couldnt dig it. She a good person n all, but everybody and they momma done hit it. We was the closest two, i learned EVERYTHING from her... Shes my best friend, and i honest to god love her... When i wanted to take my weapon and end my life, u stopped me... When i was on the verge of going to prison, u stopped me... Ur the ONLY PERSON i have ever had a real connection with... Only person i can share ANY type of information with.. Now shes addicted to the fast life and the drugs. Shes so brain dead i dont even see the woman i loved.... I lost her... I lost her... I loved u like i could never love myself... Im going thru more than ever now and i dont have ur help... Shes currently in the hospital, near death, and no ones there... All the people she let hit, those fake friends that never cared... My minds a trainwreck, and my hearts stuck in gridlock..... I miss The only woman that ever cared for me..... Hip Hop. (inspired by Common. I used to love her too...)

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SMusinga says:

Hey this poems is awesome. it totally painted a pic for me, is this a peson in your life?but keep up the great work , ill be sure to read you a lot more.

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love_supreme says:

I like this poem.

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