(This is a fictional piece.)
It was like a downpour that I could not escape from
My lungs…filled to the max, as it expanded like two air balloons that were getting ready to take flight.
My body froze…numb to the heat
As chills flowed down though me like a rushing river
Your kisses burn
And your touch is so cold
Layers upon layers of finger prints overlap one another on my skin
Each with their own story… too scared to tell
I am your canvas…the object that you would use to create your masterpiece
But I am imperfect, there are flaws that are not able to be reshaped
The image that you are wanting to create is not able to be created within me.
Yet still you try…you walk away..
And then return to try once again
I am confined…
I love you so much that it hurts me whenever I try to walk away
But I also hate…what I see
The man that I see…I cannot possibly face
I find myself turning my head away whenever I walk past him throughout my day.
Not because I am ashamed of him but because I do not think that I am ready to face reality
If I had the will power to reach out and touch him I would
I would dry his tears if only I knew how too
Aid in his get away…break that bond that he is bound to, and kneel down before him and tell him that he is finally free
Instead I sleep fearing that I will one day not see another day
I find myself wearing the world on my shoulders as I continue to pick up pieces of the life that I once lived.