WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Money is worthless



Views: 487

We’re all the same, just a bunch of mutts,
Economics divides us, 5% live in mansions, 95% reside in huts,
Would I lie if I deny that I strive to be in the top five before I die?
I know you with me, see, I want to get the brie, 
Yaw can cut the cheddar cheese, 
I’m putting in work, like I’m raking leaves, 
Pay attention grasshopper, 
And follow the ant’s lead before the deep freeze, 
Otherwise you’ll be begging on your knees, 
Your very existence hanging in the balance like a trapeze, 
Nearly all your wants and needs are fiction, 
It all useless, except my words, yeah that’s a contradiction!
Take stock of your possessions, and you’ll quickly see,
The rest of the world has a bowl of water; we each own a sea,
Half the world spends half the day finding food, we just watch TV!
Where would we be, no running water and electricity, 
Three large meals a day that we don’t really need?
These just thoughts, and some second guesses,
Word to the wise, fools, greedy, and needy, count your blessings!

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

TIGHT....well played....thanks for sharing....ONE
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks 2b2b2!

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