PoeticKnight239 | Poetry Vibe
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I will grow

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Childless Father



Views: 379

Growing kicking moving to see you ball up was a thrill,finally I have my own family seemed unreal,knowing you were mine was a deal,never to see your face or smile brung me chills,in my arms lifeless made me want to kill,anger sorrow made a hole in my heart like a drill,death the hardest pill to swallow ,going to wake up not seeing you tomorrow,long days and nights of you gone will follow,pity is now my new child cause losing a child forever is dark place I wallow.

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Goddess Bee says:

Hugs and kisses to u.....thanks for sharing. I know all too well how that feels, coming from a woman's perspective of course... Our babies in heaven, no pain, no fear, their tha purest of tha angels. We might carry this sadness until we meet them again, but God needed them more

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xclusive says:

I know this was probably hard to write but I'm glad you did. Can definitely related to this. Nice write
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The Immortal Wize says:


RonnieL says:

Have to children, can't fathom the thought of losing them bruh. Anyway...great write and very moving. Thx for sharing

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Goddess Bee says:

This was deep on a whole other level kuz Im a childless Mother

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