Woven | Poetry Vibe
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Psychedelic prints


Views: 471

Psychedelic prints
Diplomatic hints
Rewind to the late 60s early 70s
A change is gonna come
Not talking bout a revolution
But insinuating an evolution

We're not saying Right On sister
We're not saying What's happening brother
But perhaps now we're really thinking about
looking deeply into each others' eyes
And witnessing our same ancestors' cries
Maybe then we won't be so quick to judge and despise
But hug and embrace each other with a quickness instead

Maybe we'll truly feel each other, and not
just use that as a catch phrase
Maybe our auras will embrace 
for a multitude of means and wondrous ways
Perhaps second, third, and fourth thoughts will be given
Could, would, should I take that course of action
Won't it have an equally oppositional detrimental reaction?

Should I treat that brother like the king that he is?
Should I not hold that sister up like a queen?
Right them both upon a royal steed
Make their day
Send them onward to where their dreams may lead
Beyond circumstances cast their way

Jesse said, and we repeated 
I am Somebody
Used to reverberate in my head
Rewind to the late 60s early 70s
Taking the strength of that chant that so many said 

Black Lives Matter...certainly
That statement has power
Unarmed Blacks taken out of this world
by the unapologetic shower
of bullets, upon bullets, upon bullets
Already know all lives matter
Yes all lives should, but obviously they don't
Some just trying to dull the sharpness of this point
Want us to stop saying it?
Well, we won't

May we all find reason
Despite the pain and stain of each grimson transgression
To keep marching in a unified forward progression
Just some lines thrown together
Some splashes of paint left,
enough for some glints
From last week's inspirational
psychedelic prints

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mrmelody7 says:

A evolution 0f a write well woven as always I dont see the national leaders like we had when you speaking of the 60s and 70s but I do see a generation that is out there making a change somethin that been missin the last 30 odd years

Poetunleashed says:

Its time to creat leaders like MLK jnr and Malcolm X.... we need them to be reincarnated....well writen piece

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Woven says:

Mrmelody7, I see a generation making a change as well, I see pride, determination, and hope...it's great to see! Appreciated.

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Woven says:

Poetunleashed, as Mrmelody mentioned, there is a positive pulse out there, and it actually reminds me of those days. Makes me think that those leaders' spirit lives on. Thank you.
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Kingqadardwon' says:

Outstanding capture.. I love pieces about the struggle, evolution, and the revolution. They keep me focused and keeps me on my mission. I was created for change... Our day is nigh..
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The Immortal Wize says:

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The Immortal Wize says:


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The Immortal Wize says:


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love_supreme says:

Excellent write

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

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2b2b2 says:

Tight Relevancy delivered with Eloquence....thanks is crazy, dope (meaning) Good Energy....being ever the analyzer, I wonder what is missing, maybe a combination of things, jobs, comminities striving for betterment...;.but sadly admission to the inner chamber of capitalizm/globalism seems to mean selling souls, leaving souls, killing souls for the stake of inclusion...if that is the case do I (or we) really want admission....ONE

Woven says:

I think it's admirable that these kind of pieces keep you on your mission Kingqadardwon', and yes our day is near. Such a compliment, thank you.

Woven says:

You humble me Wize Dom, thank you very much!

Woven says:

latin_lover, thank you for your kind comment and for your support!

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Woven says:

Thank you nosajm how kind of you!

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Woven says:

2b2b2, such a compliment humbles me. Yes, much is missing, the past does cast a shadow, and some of the past does remain in the present. Yet we have over come much, and continue to strive. I appreciate your thoughts on this poet.

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RonnieL says:

Aye Woven....STANDING OVATION! MASTERPIECE! Really loved this write, excellent caption!

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