WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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What I did to Wack MCs


just different

Views: 381

I give MC's gas faces,
Win fast like 50 yard dash races,
My freestyle sentences' disappoint these jokers like court cases,
Give them 5 to 10 years spending most days in small spaces,
Then they get irritated and scratch hard to reach rash places,
I'm the judge, jury, and prosecutor and they just plaintiffs,
Adverb's words absurd and blurred like 12 clown faces,
After the carnival's canceled due to the rains,
Only tears, wigs, white and red paint remains,
Colorful suits and big shoes ruined with pink stains,
They hopes and aspirations of a bright future was in vain,
Videos, pictures, and posts, pursuing 15 minutes of fame,
Hoping for pokes by family, friends, celebrities, or a school crush,
Its all an illusion, wake up Wack MCs, enough is enough.

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