jtj1982 | Poetry Vibe
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A Life Lived Halfway



Views: 313
I halfway believed that I was worthy of love, but then I would be romantically devasted. I trusted the world halfway, suspicion always in my ear whispering into my mind. I felt beautiful halfway, then I would capture my image in the mirror and the feeling vanished. I know I am halfway through my life's journey with the shame of time too often wasted. I allowed outsiders halfway access into my inner sanctum only to be disappointed and shamed. I felt joy within my being only to have it kidnapped and ransomed by circumstances. I halfway tried to struggle to my feet without success.   One day I dared to elevate my gaze halfway and there you stood. There was no halfway when you extended your hand. You lent me your strength. You allowed no halfway when it came to my beauty, your assurance was all I needed. You met me halfway and I trusted you in entirety. Your heart, your words, your gentle touch,  your protection, your smile, your voice, your understanding and your Faith rescued me from my life of halfway.

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Goddess Bee says:

This is deep in so many ways....exactly the way I'm feeling! #Bravo

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