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Goddess Bee says: This is deep in so many ways....exactly the way I'm feeling! #Bravo |
You Healed Me
My world had become an endless compilation of days upon nights. My days busy doing the bidding of others. My nights spent contemplating a love I knew would never come. I shared nor desired the company of another forced into the contentment of solitude. I had suffered at the hands of so many that I camouflaged my heart and soul to appear as though I possessed neither. We met by chance; photos and words caught our eyes. A conversation changed our paths. Beneath your red baseball cap peered eyes that saw into my very soul. In the light, your stare caused me to redden with blush. Length of time had no bearing on your care of me. Your lack of flash endeared you more to me. An inaudible herald announced the advent of love. We discovered that love in its entirety when we first joined. Our bodies fit precisely together with nothing separating you from me,... |
Made For MePossessor of the willingness to love me the way I need. XY who could not pass judgement nor prescribe a sentence of punishment for my infractions. Deep thinker whose thoughts rarely stray away from me. Owner of a body that causes me to break out in a sweat whenever I direct my optics toward his male physique. Master of an energy level that makes me to lose my breath when we are joined as one. Jester who causes me to laugh so hard that my sides hurt and I am unable to breathe. Supporter of any decision I may elect to act upon; right, wrong or indifferent he has my back. Teacher of patience, tolerance and understanding Lion tamer who has the skills to keep me in check for my own good. Fierce protector armed with the ability to keep me safe and beyond secure. Daddy that spoils me by showering me with millions of kisses and smiles. Sir treats me as a precious flower, preventing even one petal from releasing and descending into the world of the discarded. How was I B... |
How Does It FeelHow Does It Feel? The flesh beneath my fingertips, soft yet oh so masculine. Tracing the contour of your handsome highlighted face, it brings to my mind a Sunday long ago. The day we discovered what true unbridled passion could create. We were educated how to love without fear or reservation. Unconditional love was created for you and I. Phones, computers, TVs and video games have become obsolete, they have served their purposes. They brought us to this point, a journey began in earnest and continued with the true conviction strengthened by an all powerful force. It propels you and I into the future, kicking the dust and other remnants of the past from our feet and our memories. Nothing and no one matters more in this world than you and I. We abide others because common decency and courtesy dictate that we must. Our time together is often brief but the duration is of no importance to us. The relevance rests solely upon the contents of our doings, our undoings, our goings in and... |
The Hows, Whys and Whats of Missing You
How can it be that your absence is felt so keenly within my soul? Why do I feel your hands upon my body but you are nowhere to be found in the flesh? What do I do with the empty feeling I have when I am alone? How is it that my eyes water at the thought of how tenderly you love me? Why does time seem to drag along carrying the load of the years as I await your arrival? What can be done to remedy the chill I feel when I lay in our bed sans you? How is it that my entire world seems to be spinning furiously out of control when I face it in solitude? Why do I need to inhale the scent of your cologne upon your shirt to derive comfort from my pain? What can I depend upon in my hour of need? How, Why and What makes all this happen? It is because I miss you. These are the Hows, Whys and Whats that construct my life without you. |
You Will Never Know Why...You Will Never Know Why... You will never know why my heart skips a beat to align with yours as we lay together in the splendor of our love. You will never know why my soul chuckles when you play “Hungry Hippo†on my nose. You will never know why I possess the great depths of love within my heart for you. You will never know why you cause my body to tremble when you simply place your hands on either side of my face and gaze deeply into my eyes. You will never know why I am willing to contend with any distance, any height or any depth to ensure your happiness. You will never know why our love is so epic in its proportions. You will never know why I admire and lust for your body with an unquenchable desire. You will never know why our physical union causes me to open my body inviting you to possess me as no man has before. You will never know why our love will burn brighter than the stars for eternity and beyond. You may never know why any of... |
A Woman Well LovedA woman well loved sleeps the rest of the righteous She arises in morning with praises for the man who has brought her to complete womanhood A woman well loved freely places her world in the palm of her reason for living When she thinks of the man who inhabits her heart she wants to nurture him, love him and protect him from the world of pain A woman well loved imagines a world with her days filled with wonders because of the Master of her heart She looks upon his sleeping face and realizes that she never truly understood the depth of her love until that very moment A woman well loved raises her eyes to the Heavens and thanks her GOD for life, joy and eternal love |
What If You...James...what if you find yourself face to face with the woman who has shared your slumber filled dreams? |
#IKINDAMISS#IKINDAMISS your jealousy routine. #IKINDAMISS knowing you drive down my street in the night. #IKINDAMISS those rare occasions when you have kissed me until I was breathless. #IKINDAMISS being inspired by the contents of your heart. #IKINDAMISS that hunger for you to make love to me; using your hands, mouth, and manhood. #IKINDAMISS there are days, overall, that I miss the things that make you...you. |
He Made Me Feel SafeFrom the moment I saw the headlights of the HD...he made me feel safe. Long after our eyes made contact...he made me feel safe. As I placed my trust, well being and security within his hands...he made me feel safe. While he expertly adjusted and fastened my cerebral covering...he made me feel safe. Even as his touch seared my flesh...he made me feel safe. As the carnal low voltage escalated into high...he made me feel safe. If I had to explain why I freely gave myself to him, that would be simple...he made me feel safe. |
You And YourYou crept into my conciousness from an often lived night of dreams. Your presence was undeniable even in my waking world. You were unexpected yet welcomed just the same. Your demand of my attention was irresistible; I can deny you nothing. You were exactly as I had dreamed of you. Your strength so obvious, strong enough to rescue me from a life lived in solitude. You are the answer from an often ushered prayer to Heaven. Your position in my life secured lifetimes ago. You are my beginning, middle and end. Your heart assured my soul you would love me longer than forever. All of You and Your...belong to me for eternity. |