2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Views: 515

I prey


I pray    

Centuries slave


Sought for hire

Generational sentiments

Fervent ferment

Distractions invent

Content 2b living rationale

Hell-bent depictions

Inquisitions of self

Poor health due to uncovered wealth

Monolithic convictions

Make believe intentions

Time suspended forms of entertainment

Deranged meant for containment

Homeward bound within its dark recess

Access divine locked a way profound

Stoked embers of matrix'd scenarios

Purposed in holographic visions

Seeking meaning inference transference

Found wandering along the rim's abyss

Hopes found as goals realign per chance 

In the round, thoughts astound, confound, rebound

 Gassed or medicated 2b perpetually faded

 Playback so I can't forget what I begets 

Me thinks,  at least on some level, I've made it!!??

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LP45 says:

You did make it my friend! Awesome write. Thank you for sharing.
Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Astounding profound burst of energy, I salute you.

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Nice flow!

Woven says:

Appreciated the fabulous word play, the quick pace, and the evolution. There may be more to accomplish, but we can still recognize what's been attained. Great expression!

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Masterfully Mind Mending My Brother. Thanks for sharing this well penned piece. Making it is simply continuing to mill onward to strive to be better than yourself. Peace and Love, Brother M. Lowe

RonnieL says:

No words from me...your word play and tempo of this piece stated it all. Dynamite write!

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2b2b2 says:

Thanks EveryONE....Peace

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