WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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F&@k Donald Chump



Views: 444

I got the Donald Chump Blues,
This election is like a bad moo-vay,
With this Orange a$$-clown's toupee,
And his "Make America great again" Posta'
I s#!t you not, I'd rather vote for Omarosa,
This reality star been jivin Fo' years, 
F$&k him and his Crocodile tears,
He don't give two F$&ks about you and me,
This revenge on Obama for pwning him on TV,
Chump is Vader playing on weak minded fool's fears,
These jokers must be drunk off some beers,
Bankrupt Fo' times and still got cases,
Straight up Racist,
The sucker,
Motherf$& him and Fox News!!!!
Da da da da duh,
The Donald Chump blues!!!
Bum BUM bum BUM!
Can't believe he won the nomination,
Bum BUM bum BUM!
We are screwed as a nation,
Da da da da dum!
Hillary said super predators are ghetto children,
Bum BUM bum BUM!
Come November, I might just vote for Brewster Millions.... 
<<Blues outro music plays>>

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Coalhouse says:

That's hot

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks Coalhouse!
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Phenomenal Paris says:

FIRE 👏🏽👏🏽

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