SMusinga | Poetry Vibe
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Dream. Believe. Build. Expand. And don’t let someone get you down.

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Thank you Lord


Views: 391

Thank you, dear God, for this good life,

for the most amazing day, guide our hearts, minds and souls,

for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of the sky,

for always coming to our aid in difficult times and keep us and our families safe,

and for everything which is natural and which is infinite,

for your mercy, your blessings and by removing worries from our hearts,

and beautiful grace during this frightful and sinful race.


Thank you for giving us hope, and an everlasting faith to believe in You,

for fond memories and good times, Your love is truly amazing oh Lord,

for the day and for the hour, and the minute,

for unrealized blessings and opening up a new paths for us,

for the blessing of Your favor upon our lives,

for blessings us abundantly, unexpectedly and delightfully,

for surrounding us with Your favor as a protection and with Your glory as an adornment.


Thank You for the way You influence our hearts, draw our spirits, and delight our souls,

for your love and thank you God for your son Jesus Christ,

for giving us health and strength each day,

for a roof, food, water, air, flora, fauna and families,

for being there always when we need you. We love You God,

for giving us a lives and never leave us alone and for being with us everywhere we go,

for this beautiful life you have given us.


Thank you our Lord God and Savior for helping us to solve our financial problems,

for your amazing grace, for your favour upon our lives, for your mercy,

for your grace and for revealing your love us,

for securing us in this worldly life, all the glory goes up to You and the blessings fall down on u,

for giving signs that you are with us at all times and that your plans are better than ours always,

for proving us with our daily needs and for the abundance that is beyond our daily needs,

for being the head of our lives and for your protection



By Seth Yuhi Musinga


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