SMusinga | Poetry Vibe
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Dream. Believe. Build. Expand. And don’t let someone get you down.

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Just Because



Views: 360

Just because I'm silent,

doesn't mean I don't have a lot to say.

Just because I laugh a lot,

doesn't mean I don't take things earnestly.


Just because I don't say whatever,

doesn't mean I'm frightened.

Just because I don't say I love you,

doesn't mean I don't love you.


Just because I appear pleased,

doesn't mean everything's tolerable.

Just because I'm determined,

doesn't mean I expect you to change for me.


Just because I don't communicate,

doesn't mean I don't care.

Just because I don’t like you,

doesn't mean I'm bizarre.


Just because I forgive and forget,

doesn't mean you can take me for granted.

Just because I don't show my emotional state,

doesn't mean I don't have some.

By Seth Yuhi Musinga

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Woven says:

It's best not to assume. It often takes knowing a person to know their intent, and even then intentions vary. I enjoyed the way you conveyed your thoughts. Wonderful write!

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