SmurpheeeMajor | Poetry Vibe
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Incomplete Prayer



Views: 328
It seems to me that the thought of God being a miracle worker to many that suffer seems ridiculous, I mean like look, to those alive, sharing a conversations with the silent at word is considered throwing gang signs, miming your thoughts in silence is an art form, and everything is so scientifically orientated, that the fountain of life it self has been probed, its no wonder babies can be born straight into the door of heaven, not a single breath of torture, lungs so pure they only live through conception See we are a cursed generation cause of a foundation unclean, a species of wars and hatred, even The Messiah was slaughtered for an APPARENT "freedom" rivers always have to run red, and HISstory tells of the blood of the YOUTH at old mans gain, but that's just me Or is it? I mean could it be that I learned teachers have stopped teaching and started tuning? they say we drop out cause of we have short attention spans, everything is now, we have no patience, no time to learn, in a world so complicated what are lessons of the past but Cliches told to an absent mind, tell me what's it got to do with me if am meant to forget, Time is an ever going process seconds lost are like wasted breaths you'll still be trying to catch it at your dying moment, ALL and ALL IS VANITY, Love YOUR GOD and keep His Commandments that's all, So what you teaching me? How to loose My beliefs, you speak of great man that fell and stood back up, lived their lives with the hope that they have been restored in their Fathers eye, Pray Thee Forgive Thy Soul for he sinneth! So I chose a different route, got lost in my own part of the dark where they told me I shouldn't venture, see I believe in a God bigger than me, where I am going He has been so there is nothing I cannot conquer! I come out of the dark with intentions of a thief, I steal kill and destroy the devil in hope to see my Fathers land return!!!! Bless me Father for it seems the Thought of You being a Miracle God to the many has become ridiculous!!! Inomine Patri, Et felli, Spirit'u Santu

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