WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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We clueless



Views: 371

The truth is, we clueless,

But we knew this,

I take my daughter to church and try to teach her,

But we praying to god but still paying to lucifer,

Is "R" the difference between evil and good?

Can't find the right words like I know that I should,

Four decades I've roamed the earth,

Maybe have another 4 b4 I become dirt,

At 40, I'm considered middle age,

A bibical year was probably just 30 days,

And Methusula was only 75,

The translators of the bible got it wrong or lied,

God is real, we don't exist,

When Judas sold out Jesus, for mankind that was it,

The son of god gave them jokers power and glory,

He's all knowing and understood the real story,

The spin back then for the non-believers and greivers,

Was drop your current gods, this one's easier,

He'll give you everything, and you can treat him like $#!÷,

But you still get to go to heaven if you just repent!

Instead of taking the lives of your kids and cattle and other sacrafices,

Just give your money to the church at reasonable prices,

Really, does money sound divine?

Did going to the new religion cut down they time?

When people were offering sheep to several gods, they lived for centuries,

With one god, they lived to their 60's,

Were there women disciples?

If the truth were know, we wouldn't need rifles,

The end of days is more than just a phrase,

When crime pays,

And we envy the rich and famous' dubious ways,

We're left with hella debt and the devil's holds the loan,

Blindly worshipping false idols like a phone,

Everywhere we go - bathroom to bed,

We probably all growing tumors on the sides of our head,

More concerned about what people think,

Than the wasted food and water that goes down our sink,

2am, toss and turnin' out of the bed I fell,

Woke up and discovered the truth - THIS IS HELL!

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RonnieL says:

Bravo! PREACH!!!!!

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The Immortal Wize says:

Powerful flow of words, your words inspire me. Keep on speaking your mind.
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Thanks RonnieL and Wize Dom - your writing has inspired me too!

love_supreme says:


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