Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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He Tries Daily



Views: 338

The devils been trying to make me disbelieve what I believe
So I pray for comfort and peace from the Holy Spirit and then receive
I could imagine the power of a divine mind such as our creator
Of how Human creation He could speak into existence by thoughts He conceived

I’m not a tyrant trying to lyrically stifle or baffle
Neither am I trying to prove God in my lyrically rhythmic raffle
He is my pedestal and divine spiritual scaffold
The truth will unfold as surely as I have grown to become bold

I listen carefully
To the many things that I am told
He told me I WILL NOT grow old
But, I will open many eyes to look up to the skies AND THEN my flesh will turn cold

I at least have that faith
As to where my outcome is and will be
I pray to my father in Jesus' name
And by the power of the Holy Spirit filling me

He is never drilling me but teaching me
Never preaching but always loving me and reaching
Told me to be my ‘brother’s keeper’
Speak of the hate of the wicked serpent also known to be the Grim Reaper

I am "to keep" my brother and sister alike
I must not think twice no matter my vice
I must be willing to give of my heart to all involved
Without thinking about “the possible price”

I am poor and lowly
Sometimes alone and lonely
I enjoy simple conversations
When a friend does phone me

Or should I just simply say call me?
I know it's those who truly love me adore me
I don’t have enemies because I make friends with all
I have people who help me get up when I fall
Because I too was there for them, when they too did stumble and fall

I then get back up and stand tall
Walking down the endless hall, walking forward in the dark but feeling on the wall
Never really knowing what’s next at the corner corridor

I seek to be me so just fully embrace me
Those with understanding of my language will have no need to chase me
True love is the face of the God that graced me

He gave me a wonderfully brilliant
And highly charismatic knowledge loving daughter
I teach her the path of my Savior
And she knows too that Christ is her daddy’s living water

I do all I can, with the little I have gotten
I do not desire
To allow my flesh to transpire
The day my heart does retire
And my flesh gets rotten

I am the epitome of a secret society
Thrilled to know I am filled with spiritual sobriety
Never drunk off of lies taught in educational pools
Not hating, but neither am I giving credit to today’s prison like schools

A place of fools
Is the world in which we all dwell
And we don’t have to fear an eternal death
When we’ve created the earth to be our hell

I am currently just a shell of the actual person I will eventually be
Can’t you see that I speak of many and yet one being that has allowed me to see?

Now I come to you correct
For I am not enigmatically speaking
I have power to be character tweaking
While like Wikileaks, I am leaking

Drinking from fountains of fresh fluids
With wisdom beyond the mundane knowledge of the druids

I write in recite in common day hieroglyphs
All the while I make smoke signals of truth from on top of building brick cliffs

I speak to the dead and the dead hear me
Some desire to know more so they come near me
Some want to stick like glue so they adhere to me
I speak in metaphors and yet quite clearly!

I hold all people equal none above or below me in any manner
I am here to help transform you as did Dr. Banner

I am a no one
Yet an important someone to the grand master
I have heard the speed of light is fast
But my thoughts are much faster

I speak of Gods glory
And of an oncoming global disaster
It will shatter the world economy
That will bring in the New World Order that much faster

I will mold your fear
Into my lyrical plaster and share it
The truth hurts
But those who follow God will deal with it and bear it

I will now simply end this
On one final note but its really hot
Just know the law of God will never change
No, not one tittle or one jot!


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