SMusinga | Poetry Vibe
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Dream. Believe. Build. Expand. And don’t let someone get you down.

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Birthday of my uncle



Views: 251

Today is your birthday,

On this special day,

i wish you all the very best,

all the happiness you can ever have

and may you be blessed plentifully,

May life's brightest joys brighten your path?

and may each day's journey bring you closer to your visions!


I hope you have a delightful day,

and that the year ahead is occupied with much love,

many wonderful astonishments,

and gives you lasting memoirs,

that you will cherish in all the days ahead.

I hope that you will have a truly spectacular

and jubilant day with family and friends.


May your birthday be filled with the warmth of sunlight?

the cheerfulness of smiles,

jingles of amusement,

the sensation of love

and the sharing of good cheer.

Live your life with arms wide open,

Today is where your book begins,

The rest is still unwritten.


By Seth Yuhi Musinga

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