SMusinga | Poetry Vibe
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Dream. Believe. Build. Expand. And don’t let someone get you down.

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The River



Views: 330

Formed by drops of water,

widens and deepens as I rubs and scours,

eating and borings its way through the landscape,

Uncoiling like pythons through the countryside,

Meandering with hardly any visible movement,

Flow freely, coursing its way through the mountains

And ploughing a valley of its own.


It cut runs over rocks, no forcing and no holding back

wind through the landscapes like strips of matte and glossy ribbon

plunged down in a long waterfall,

moving like a stampede rushing to get to safety,

plash into several rocky pools on its way to the sea,

the sea is waiting like a cheetah waiting to charge,

noisy like a grizzly bear, leaping to catch its prey,

Follow it and you will find the sea.


By Seth Yuhi Musinga

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