WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Night Owl/Day Sloth



Views: 378

Late at night, when tomorrow becomes today,

While the city sleeps, I'm still wide awake,

During the day, I'm a shell of a man, dull as a spoon,

But 13 hours past noon,

My mind cuts thru ideas twice like a double edged razor - Anything is possible,

I think twice as fast, I'm basically unstoppable, 

Dumb by day, genius at night,

That's when I write,

Depictions of real fiction and the fallacy of a false reality, 

Why do I have to get up so d@^^# early?

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Woven says:

An't be easy to be in a world whose timeclock is not nocturnal. Your word usage is fantastic here: "Late at night, when tomorrow becomes today"..."But 13 hours past noon..." Definitely enjoyed this write!

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