Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25400
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Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Hidden Colors



Views: 253
Colors primarily exist knowing one specific hue, Neutral in a sense, knowing nothing of the vivid expectation that exists outside of itself. Then comes the brush revealing more than meets the eye. Each bristle moist with enlightenment. The innocence of a sudden touch brimming at the edge of comfort, discussing need to further exploration. This expectation which broadens the spectrum. A social anxiety now left behind but still lives in fear. This is where you come in, The zest of something new. Experiences otherwise thought about, yet never acted upon. The distance between the colors are filled by the brush, creating something totally new altogether. Although the color is either brighter or darker, The experience is still the same. The intensity of longing for one another, no longer alone. Peeping behind a glass curious about the what if's of curiosity. Adding large detail to the picture painted on the grains of canvas Expanding in contrast to which point of view is used to view the picture But still lost in a nervous jitter of being lost in a feeling that's altogether brand new. This broad spectrum of mixing colors to make something brand new. Committing to the outside world for better or worse upon the criticism of dark hues that make shadows out of the light cast on one another. This spectrum between you and I. Whose color can be a favorite if we both dwell in delight, The simple awe of one another, no longer viewing things as one sided but in the broad spectrum for things provided by you

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SMusinga says:

Good one.

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

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hymnagen says:

I dig this. #Respect for your skillful adherence to the painting metaphor throughout.

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