Woven | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 12600
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The Best Medicine



Views: 542

His laughter 
Took me to fields of clover 
bare feet, and bubbling brooks 
and pomegranate juice dripping all over   
His laughter made me lie back 
as some serious chill factor sifted into my space 
The salmon sands of time faded to alabaster, 
and drifted thru the hourglass like snow, at a sedentary pace   
Perched upon that porch swing, his laughter and I 
counted distant stars and prancing fireflies 
Here...was the crisp night air and the midnight sky 
Gone, were the daily worries, hurries, and wonder whys   
His laughter just took me there... 
To... the soothing hum of a kitten's purr 
while petting that fluffy ball of fur 
To... the sun setting behind a rainbow veil 
adrift in a vessel of peace, I set sail 
To...a sultry rumba, strategically slow 
the fluidity of the bodies, the ebb and the flow 
That laughter took me 
To me... 
Back to the me I forgot was there 
And for that ease, that...serenity 
I thank you...  

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Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

I love how visual your work is. The imagery in this piece puts you right there. I envy your gift. Bravo, Woven

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Nice flow!

RonnieL says:

Aye woven...when I read your art you draw me in. I can picture your words true life. IMAGERY....FLAWLESS! BEAUTIFUL SCRIBE. Blessings

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Kilomsundrstd says:

Nice piece

Woven says:

Hymnagen, wow that was quite a compliment, and I thank you immensely. I have found you to be a wordsmith, a craftsman able to etch feelings precisely. Your brush strokes complementary colors every time. A talent I wish I had. :)

Woven says:

I am glad you like this piece nosajm, thank you.

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Woven says:

Gee, RonnieL, how wonderful of you to say so, I thank you so very much. Your art is quite relatable, it is chock full of vibrancy. You draw the reader in, giving us thoughts and experiences that are memorable, and we look forward to more.

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Woven says:

Thank you Kilomsundrstd, I'm glad you think so.

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love_supreme says:

Very nice. Excellent write.

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LP45 says:

Excellent write Woven. Awesome imagery and flow. I agree with Hymnagen, got that "right there with you" feeling. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.

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