jtj1982 | Poetry Vibe
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And He Said



Views: 264

She had once soared high above normalcy with the beautiful people. In fact, she had soared even higher than the beautiful people.

  But as is often the case, one misadventure after another befell her until she no longer soared at all. Not above, not alongside but decidedly below the beautiful people.

She was in a land of nightmares where haunting terrors lodged around every corner seeking to rob her. She lost...one by one...her beauty...her health and now threatening to go...her mind which contained her self esteem and assurance.

Languishing days multiplied into years. Time spent in reclusive solitude. Rarely venturing into the sunlight to bask in its rejuvenating glow.

Until one glorious day, she saw HIM. "WELL DAMN", she cried. In her eyes, he was stunning to behold. A flicker, was that a flicker? No, it was a glimmer. He was a shining ray in her sea of blackness.

She dared to enter his sphere, her former sphere. That place where she was a most happy celestial being. She addressed him in her timidity with a voice barely above a whisper. She ushered a salutation, never expecting a response. She had tried to interact with a being such as he before; the encounter left her broken and bloody.

A friendly welcoming voice returned her greeting. A broad smile erupted from her formed lips. The shock of the matter rendered her almost mute. Had the conversation began and ended with his words, she could have died happily and in peace.

The exchanges continued. She laughed. He joked and they kidded. Wanting never to slumber and definitely not to sleep, she needed his strong heart to strengthen her own.

Hours passed as they grew closer. A plan between them was laid. She never tired because the elation he inspired sustained her. She felt loved and his love gave her wings to soar above the circumstances of life.

A silly thing had set her off, little words on a computer screen. Her being felt as though she had been gut checked. She knew what she had to do.

 The phone rang as she stifled the tears left in a reservoir created by abuse, betrayal, anguish, dark depression and pain; she braved the thought of facing him.

Four rings, one to go until she would no longer have to face him but the mechanical voice that was his computer generated personal assistant. There, that long tone and finally her chance to speak. She stuttered and stammered over simple words and uncomplicated phrases. Done, she thought. It is done.

Like the punchline of some wickedly cruel cosmic joke, there he was. His godlike image attached to the ringtone dedicated solely for him. She briefly entertained the thought of giving no answer. She knew he would never allow that to stand. He was not a man to be denied his due.

Inhaling oxygen for her very life, she greeted him. His voice was soothing and kind as it had always been. Slowly she began, after directing him to his ones and zeroes generated aide, which he refused on principle alone.

He  istened in silence as she said her peace. And he said. "You're beautiful inside and out. We are going to be together and we will be happy." She questioned how he could state those words with such assurance.

And he said, "I know what I know. I know what I feel. You ask why you, why not you? I'm asking, why not you. Why don't you deserve to be happy?" She tried to interject but this time he was not polite. He allowed her no quarter.

She attempted to speak her protest into life. And he said, "Relax, I got you." And he did indeed have her. Today they soar together eternally high above the beautiful people.

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RonnieL says:

Very nice right!

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