Lyrrix | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 3300
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Broken Strings



Views: 300

He took me to inner places
he taught me
he taught me that I could sleep inside my mind
He was my box of secrets
hidden beneath night time constellations
filled with 1 am revelations
tucked inside corners
that the rest of the world
was too blind to find
And when I felt confined to the creations of life,
he handed me a knife and said
carve your existence
He said teach them
teach them what it means to be beautiful inside
even when it appears that all the rest have died
His ears cried as I slowly slit my wrists
and he, he listened
because he, he always listened
He listened as soft music began to drain
like blood read stains dancing across cloudless skies
and he watched
he watched the tears that filled my eyes
and he whispered
He whispered with his fingers
once you remove the mask
the only pain that lingers
is the scars that you allow to haunt your present
And to me it was evident
evident that he was meant to read me
So I sat up for hours
cradled between cotton sheets that wore my dreams
nestled along the curves of cold tiled floors
that filled with streams of my perception
see I, I attempted to drown him
slowly flooding him in reflection
praying that it would not burn his retinas
and even though he
he had never properly introduced, just who he was
 I still whispered
I whispered because
he made me want to crawl upon his lips
and sit there for hours
waiting for him to lick my being
and swallow with one hard gulp
just so that I
Could nestle into the hallow realms of his intestines
and eat him from the inside out
So that
I could show the world
what I had heard of his inner beauty
as I  regurgitated the thought of him onto blank pages
inside a spiraled notebook labeled
See it didn't matter if he
if he never heard, if he
if he never listened to a single sound
because he
he lived inside my tear ducts
falling upon black stained cheeks
he lived within every word that I would speak
and I felt him
I felt him stealing my breath
every time that I would breathe
I felt him
I felt him sitting upon my pores
every time that I grew flushed
I felt his warmth along blushed skin
and I wondered if he would always remember when
when we were more than just passing friends
when we were verses that seemed to never end
and I
I knew him within
within my soul
and I wonder
I wonder if he will always know
that once you remove the mask
the only pain that lingers
are the memories
that you allow to haunt
your present

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Contest Winner  

The Immortal Wize says:

Very, very nice.

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