KiloMsundrstd | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 342


Perfect I'm not but a man I am.. Black, strong, whitty and accomplished.. I look the part and piss excellence.. But even with this resume, some things are viewed as shortcoming.. Maybe attitude, personality or just simple human interaction.. Because of my unique way of thinking and abstract lifestyle I'm constantly misunderstood.. Kept alone from the rest of society because while I speak patois, other speak Dutch..two languages with two completely diff dialects... It seems as soon as I begin to understand this other language, I'm yanked from the grips of understanding and introduced to the new unknown.. A new type of person or personality there to judge my imperfections and tell me I'm diff.. But who made them the law? Who dictates what's the norm? Why should I be forced to conform to what you see to be "the norm" or any of your unrealistic expectations? Am I not honest, trustworthy and prideful? Am I not fit for a queen? Have I not given my rib to help create you? The thing that now brings life into this selfishly and hateful world? What if I was as selfish? Would you be here without the foundation of me? What would you be called without the foundation of my term? "WOMEN". See without me you wouldn't exist.. And in this society all you seem to do is point the finger and search for this man that doesn't exist but because you've "been told" he does, your unable to see the closest thing to perfection that will grace those pretty brown eyes... Soul search.. Look into the mirror and set your standard off your own accomplishments or flaws or PERFECTION may pass you by! 

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love_supreme says:

True and inspirational words. Excellent write.

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WarriorCarryingWater says:

Profound! I too piss excellence - LOL. I have to add that phrase to walk on water and stack bee-bees.

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