WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Programmed to pursue pu$$y...



Views: 387

When I'm away, adipose, I suppose,
Is the tissue that makes me miss you most,
Love to hold and flip it like a burger patty, that fatty,
Why, you ask me? Genetics really, my Y chromosome,
That round brown catches my eye like clean chrome (Mmmh),
Since the beginning of time women crave shiny objects,
So men quest for diamonds & gold to appease the fairer sex,
Pyramids, Taj Mahal, & the Great Wall were built to extract yo' essence,
Wars begin and end just for seconds of your effervescence,
Scandals fell great men, given a second chance would, they'd certainly do it again,
Programmed to deliver a message, with a frequency and variety of lustful notions,
A desire much stronger than hunger, a thirst unquenched by oceans,
Pornography is proof, pictures of pu$$y online are prolific,
If we weren't addicted to the chase, our species would cease its existence,
In a sense, man's worst fate is isolation/prison, cuz he would miss it,
After the judge reads the sentence, is the first prayer for a conjugal visit?

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kilomsundrstd says:

So true.. At times it seems like a gift and a curse lol good write

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WarriorCarryingWater says:


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