KiloMsundrstd | Poetry Vibe
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The mind of an odd


just different

Views: 357


Welcome to the mind of a beast.. Unknown to most and translated by few.. None enter and few understand.. Just chaotic with words and surgical with phrases.. No other way to be.. Mind elevated and wordplay undefined; I love it that way.. Like a collegiate game of hide and seek words are always camouflaged with night vision and don't want to come out and play.. Like a rat on cheese I sniff them out and place them together like a blacksmith does Steele for a sword.. With this sword I slice through both hemispheres..then sew them together like a wool sweater.. Misunderstood I am... Loved i am not.. See I float around daily like a cloud cast out from society.. Not white but black, the cloud everyone hates to see because it brings the storm.. That grey area between perfection and failure.. Just the odd of it all.. Extravagant to some and foreign to others.. See some have taken time to learn the language that is me while others give up before they are blessed with this spontaneous ride.. Longing to be understood and someone's priority.. #lostsoul 

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Tight Work...Write On, thanks for sharing!

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Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Chaoitc with words and surgical with phrases - that is a dope line! Well done!

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