Trying to keep you safe..
If the police pull you over, do what they say
And when Black lives comply and do what they say
They kill Black lives any way
Can fear be killed?
Can the death sentence be placed on ignorance?
Can't make logical the illogical
Can't make sense out of complete nonsense
ALL lives DON'T matter to everyone
Go and hashtag that
Shoot you if you tell them you are getting your wallet
Shoot you with a knee in your back laying down flat
Too many beautiful shades of brown
being splattered by too much red
Police disregarding Black life
Shooting in such a way, to make sure Black lives... are dead
And the bullets fly
And the tears flow
Some ask why
The answers don't seem to matter
as much
Since their lives didn't matter
to those who swore to serve and protect
It's gotten so that blood death and denial
is what we have come to expect
As once again, we say their names...
Alton Sterling
Philando Castile