scash102 | Poetry Vibe
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In the world and years of poetry.. Many stories have touched the lives of many.

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No More Band Aids



Views: 461

The longer we are silent..the less our words are heard.. complying aint stopping us from dying. We want equality in a world set up with systematic poverty. History repeats itself..only now we are getting a n in depth view.. black on black crime has nothing to do with police brutality and how they try to force homosexuality and divorce and cliche reality lifestyles on our people and communities. White on white crime, Asian on Asian crime, Mexican on Mexican any race you want.."We are being haunted!!!" Not them.. justify it any way you please if it puts your heart at ease until you see the body count adding up over cities and the waves of seas.But even that isn't enough to get your attention until another body comes up missing that they failed to mention, who has no identification because you have no permission to view the corpse you found out is or was some on near and dear. Our women must stand for our men and our men must stand for our women. Justice is a myth..our protest is their entertainment and our pain is the comedy of all mockery that they can't relate to because the elite know what's going on but do you? Open your eyes..the proof is in front of your eyes. Yet you still listen to their lies and wonder why it hasnt and won't end. They want to eliminate the main ones who built this country.. as well as ship off those who contributed to this country. And your only response is a spit in the face about black on black crime?.. til the day comes where you are in the crossfire.. like a dream, de ja vue... never thought it could happen to you until you are seconds away from a bullet grazing your flesh and the next victim lays there a few feet away.. that you U catch your breath and as you watch the soul leave another's body. Wake up..

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Woven says:

Easy to miss the point when one is doing everything in their power to avoid it. Such strength in your words, powerful expression!

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scash102 says:

Thank you for your feedback @Woven! I'm glad you enjoyed reading my art.

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