WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Con Science


just different

Views: 345

There is a time when you can no longer just read,
You must act, you must think, you must write, you must lead!
We expect God, government, and others to meet our needs,
Then get upset when things don't change and history repeats,
You have no say in your direction if you aren't in the driver's seat,
I'm just as guilty as most, full of complacency and greed,
It takes energy, it's uncomfortable, it's not easy to succeed,
So many distractions, wrong and right actions, who should you trust, what should you believe?
The old platitude that it's you is not always true,
But that small voice called your conscience is far from a fool,
Listen to him/her, to understand exactly what to do.

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