2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Dear Poetry


first love

Views: 564

Dear  Poetry……How  did  we  begin?
Seems  like  now  we  are  more  than  friends…
Casual  was  this  acquaintance  by  chance  introduction
As  you  were  seeking,  while  eyes  were  searching
Our  connection  at  first  glance  was  in  fact  bittersweet
So  I  turned  away,  and  you  turned  the  page……

Caught  in  my  mind  were  thoughts  of  our  arrangement
Or  so  I  thought  I  knew  what  was  2b,  only  scratching  surface
As  you  compelled  me  to  look  at  you  once  more,  deeply
Sweetly  I  blushed  as  you  revealed  yourself  to  me…touching
Inner  zones  and  darkened  hallways  of  life  now illuminated….finally….
Caressing  my  soul  and  setting  me  free….its  you  Poetry…your  nurturing!

I  have  come  to  share  my  love’s  past,  present  and  hope  filled  expectations
You  have  expressed  the  weight,  value  and  news  of  love’s  varieties  and  occasions
All  honestly  confessed  by  way  of  sacred  bonds  in  the  sheets  we  discreetly  share
Now  our  love  for  one  another  is  clearly  seen,  not  just  by  us  only  as  we  dreamed

So  Poetry  My  Love…..I   have  to  ask,  but  before  I  do,  I  must  assure  you  with  a  kiss

Upon  this  kiss  that  is  felt,  way  deep  beyond  your  surface,  we  share  a  purpose

Planned  before  history  became  news,  we  are  and  will  always  be  One,  never  two….

On  bended  knee  I  scribe  a  love  treaty,  that  memorializes  and  edifies  entire  heartsfelt….

Doing  justice   to  and  for  all  that  happen  to  view…..what  spirit  and  akin  hearts  can  do….

So  Dear  Poetry,  thank  you  for  allowing  me  to  see  truth  in  you…..coming  from  Me!


2b2b2 (winks)

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LP45 says:

Loved this work! Excellent capture and flow. The feeling is mutual. You've defined the true definition of poetry. Thank you for sharing.

mrmelody7 says:

Very well expressed number one commenttator as always though music is my number one love it is but poetry with instruments though I dont write much somewhere down the line of things I like to do poetry will always be my partner in chrime

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RonnieL says:

One word....TOUCHED!

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after vision says:

my poet, you have covered all angles of poetry and reasons for her love, well done

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