StarMarie | Poetry Vibe
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I'm no victim



Views: 358

It feels  like I'm stuck 
Two feet in quick sand
On and off for as long as I can remember 
 glue holding me stationary 
My spiritual self has been lost in the sadness
Near the surface trying to come
Why do I hold on to this broken past
The past may sculpt the present and future
It can no longer
Let me crack the quick sand
I'm no victim
I am not
My life now I've made for myself 
The best I've ever done
I'm not 5 years old, or 9 years old, 16,18
None in between 
No longer the victim 
I can control my present
Hatches, drills, anything to remove my feet 

-Starcy Sanchez

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love_supreme says:

I love this write. Excellent write.

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after vision says:

my poet when we finally see that life is life and we need to either tread water, swim or drown, we wake up to understanding

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